Amendment to original review. Great customer service, Genuine 120W AC Adapter Charger Asus X75SV-TY095C with Free Cord, Poteet Texas, 78065

Amendment to original review. Great customer service, Genuine 120W AC Adapter Charger Asus X75SV-TY095C with Free Cord, Poteet Texas, 78065

Genuine 120W AC Adapter Charger Asus X75SV-TY095C with Free Cord

Genuine 120W AC Adapter Charger Asus X75SV-TY095C with  Free Cord

White 30W Acer Aspire One A150-1622 A150-1635 AC Adapter Charger

White 30W Acer Aspire One A150-1622 A150-1635 AC Adapter Charger

So I hope that this will be posted with my original review, but if not, the original cord that I received did not seem to be putting out clean power. The cursor would be extremely jittery when the cord was plugged in. Could not adjust the sensitivity down low enough to get it to stop jumping. Was pretty much impossible to navigate any website with the cord plugged in. When I plugged my old cord in, the problem went away.
After I wrote my initial poor review, I imediately received a communication from the company wanting to know if there was anything they could do to fix the problem. I had not bought another replacement yet, so they quickly sent me out another cord. The new cord seems to work perfectly. No issues at all. This is day one of the new cord, so time will tell if it survives more than a couple of months as others have reported them failing. I was very pleased to see that the company at least tries to stand behind their product, which is often times hard to do when everyone is demanding everything for the cheapest price possible. If you want a perfect product, go pay the price for perfection. When you want a cheap price, sometimes things are less expensive for a reason. These people stepped up and I would not hesitate to buy from then again because of it.

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